/ 2017
High relief printing, embossing on hahnemuhle paper.
Etching on zinc plate
73 x 135 mm 50 x 65 cm
Winner Combat 2017 Prize, Livorno IT
11.21 4G, detail
High relief printing, embossing on hahnemuhle paper.
Etching on zinc plate
73 x 135 mm 50 x 65 cm
Winner Combat 2017 Prize, Livorno IT
11.21 4G, detail
Samsung Galaxy S4 it’s based on the analysis of several pictures taken with my smartphone.
Being accustomed to viewing the images on the small screen of my phone, I was inspired to reproduce them by tracing
directly from the device.
The final result is a series of etchings, each precisely rendered to match the original size I see on my phone's screen,
which measures 6.3 x 11.2 cm.
Samsung Galaxy S4,2017
Group exhibition, ARTAGON III, Paris, installation view
Photo by Marie Genin
Blue, detail